Gift of procrastination?

Dear Readers,

Why, oh why, had I waited until the last day of August to take my Camry to Inspection?

This morning I got up early to be at the NJ Department of Motor Vehicles Inspection Station thirty minutes early.  If not, the line was going to be evener longer than usual.

I made sure that I had my license, insurance and registration, a paper cup of water and my Kindle so I wouldn’t be turned away, die of thirst or get too bored in the line.

I kissed my husband good-bye and told him that I’d run to Wegman’s after inspection and that I’d hurry because he would have to go to my mom’s to check on her for me.

Armed with all that I needed, I jumped into the car, slipped a CD into the player and turned on the air.  I felt pretty happy.  The last day in August used to be a little sad because I’d have to leave summer behind and go back to work very soon.  It might have been a day to fix up the classroom.  It wouldn’t be as “free” as today.

Then, my morning became EVEN HAPPIER.  Can you guess why?

Yes, my inspection was due in August, but August of 2016!  I glanced at it as I put on my seat belt.  Oh, boy!

I proceeded to Wegman’s, downed a cup of tea, read The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal (splurges!) and ate my all-time favorite food–Wegman’s double chocolate muffin.  What a life!  I shopped for food and birthday cards and waved good-bye to the woman who works in the bakery.

This wave is special to us–while she sliced bread for me one day and we chatted, we remembered each other from Sunday School in State Street Methodist Church in North Camden in the fifties.  Her lovely mom was my Sunday School teacher.  How crazy is that?  We never saw each other after I moved to Cramer Hill and we weren’t even BFFs.  But, how fun to remember each other.  Her eyes are still big and beautiful and I never forgot them!

I’d texted my daughter before I left the house to see if she wanted to meet me in Wegman’s–she’s often up early because her baby is up early.  She agreed to meet me, but when I called her from Wegman’s, she confessed that she was sleepy and the baby had gone back to sleep.  She returns to teaching tomorrow morning and it would be so good to sleep in one more time.  Of course!

How well I remember those precious few days before going back to teach…  I treasured them and she was treasuring them, too.  A baby and a full-time teaching job—wow, you appreciate those mornings of sleeping a bit later.

Anyway, what a great morning. I returned to Cramer Hill with my groceries and newspaper and went to my mom’s house.  She, too, wanted to sleep late.  Okay!  Here I am at her house writing my blog in peace and quiet.  I can hear only the hum of the refrigerator and even Gray, the pretty rescue cat, is not hovering and meowing for breakfast.  He’s sleeping, too.

So, it looks like it’s a great day and I’m happy that my procrastination turned out so well!

5 thoughts on “Gift of procrastination?

  1. What a wonderful feeling of relief and luxury I got from reading
    about your morning – and about your life. Your gratitude is what
    defines your acceptance, and I thank you for sharing.


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